除錯與分析 (尚未翻譯)

程式設計中的一條準則是,程式碼不會直接給出您期望的結果,而是執行您指定的動作。 彌合這一差距有時是一項相當困難的。 在本講座中,我們將介紹處理錯誤和應對資源匱乏的程式碼的有用技術:除錯和效能分析。


Printf 偵錯法與使用日誌

“最有效的除錯工具就是認真思考,加上放置得當的列印語句” — Brian Kernighan, Unix for Beginners.


第二種方法是在程式中使用日誌記錄,而不是臨時印出語句。 由於以下幾個原因,使用日誌比常規的列印語句要好:

這裡 有記錄日誌的示例程式碼:

$ python logger.py
# Raw output as with just prints
$ python logger.py log
# Log formatted output
$ python logger.py log ERROR
# Print only ERROR levels and above
$ python logger.py color
# Color formatted output

我最喜歡的加強日誌可讀性的技巧之一就是給它們塗上顏色。 現在你可能已經意識到在終端使用顏色可以使它更具可讀性。這是如何做到的? 像 lsgrep 這樣的程式正在使用 [ANSI 跳脫序列](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code),這種特殊字元序列用於指示你的 shell 更改輸出顏色。 例如,執行 echo -e "\e[38;2;255;0;0mThis is red\e[0m" 在終端上以紅色顯示 “ This is red”。 以下指令碼顯示瞭如何在終端中列印多種RGB顏色。

#!/usr/bin/env bash
for R in $(seq 0 20 255); do
    for G in $(seq 0 20 255); do
        for B in $(seq 0 20 255); do
            printf "\e[38;2;${R};${G};${B}m█\e[0m";


當你開始構建更大的程式系統時,很可能會遇到依賴項,這些依賴項可以作為單獨的程式執行。 Web 伺服器,資料庫或訊息代理是這種依賴關係的常見示例。 與這些系統進行互動時常常需要讀取其日誌,因為客戶端錯誤訊息可能不足。

幸運地是,許多程式都會自己記錄日誌。 在 UNIX 系統中,程式通常會將日誌寫入 /var/log。 例如,NGINX 伺服器會將日誌放入 /var/log/nginx。 現在的系統自身也會使用 系統日誌,這裡會記錄所有日誌訊息。 多數(但非全部) Linux 系統使用 systemd,它是一個可以控制系統內許多事情,例如有哪些服務被啟用的後臺駐留程式。 systemd 將日誌以特殊格式置於 /var/log/journal,你可以使用 journalctl 來顯示它們。 在多數 UNIX 系統中你也可以使用 dmesg 來存取核心日誌。

要在系統日誌下進行記錄,可以使用 logger 這個 shell 程式。 下面是一個使用 logger 且檢查條目是否進入系統日誌的範例。 大多數程式語言都有將自身日誌記錄到系統日誌中的功能。

logger "Hello Logs"
# On macOS
log show --last 1m | grep Hello
# On Linux
journalctl --since "1m ago" | grep Hello

如同我們在資料處理這堂課上看到的, 日誌可能非常冗長,致使我們需要經過處理和過濾才能得到所需的訊息。 如果你經常使用 journalctllog show 來處理日誌,你可以嘗試使用他們內建的 flag 進行初步過濾。 也有類似 lnav 這樣的工具, 可以更優質地顯示日誌,以及更簡易地導航操作。


我們應該使用偵錯程式來完成 printf 無法勝任的除錯工作。 偵錯程式是一種讓你可以和其他程式執行過程進行互動的程式,擁有以下能力:

許多程式語言都帶有偵錯程式。Python 使用 pdb 作為其偵錯程式。

這裡是 pdb 支援的一部分指令的說明:

讓我們看一個示例,使用 pdb 來修復錯誤的 Python 程式碼(請參考課程回放)

def bubble_sort(arr):
    n = len(arr)
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if arr[j] > arr[j+1]:
                arr[j] = arr[j+1]
                arr[j+1] = arr[j]
    return arr

print(bubble_sort([4, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6]))

Python 是一種直譯語言,所以我們可以透過 pdb shell 執行指令。 ipdb 是改進後的 pdb, 它使用 IPython 作為REPL 並啟用了製表符補全,語法突出顯示,更優秀的回溯和內省功能,同時提供與 pdb 相同的介面。

對於更底層的程式語言,你可能會想要瞭解 gdb(及它的易用版本 pwndbg)和 lldb。他們都對類似 C 的語言進行了優化,使得我們可以探測幾乎所有行程與當前電腦狀態:包含暫存器,堆疊和程式計數器等。


即使我們要進行黑箱測試,仍然有一些工具可以使用。 當程式需要執行一些僅有系統內核可以執行的動作時,它們會使用系統呼叫。有一些指令可以讓我們追蹤程式使用的系統呼叫。在 linux 中,我們可以使用 strace,在 macOS 與 BSD 裡則有 dtrace。dtrace 可能很難使用,因為它使用了自己的 D 語言,但是名為 dtruss 的程式為其提供了類似 strace 的介面(更多細節見這裡)。

以下是一些使用 strace 或 dtruss 來展示 ls 指令執行時的 stat 的示例。如果你想更深入瞭解 strace,可以閱讀這裡

# On Linux
sudo strace -e lstat ls -l > /dev/null
# On macOS
sudo dtruss -t lstat64_extended ls -l > /dev/null

在某些情況下,我們需要檢視網路封包來找出問題。我們可以使用類似於 tcpdumpWireshark 這樣的網路封包分析器來讀取封包內容,並且根據所需過濾內容。

對於 web 開發,Chrome 和 Firefox 的開發人員工具非常好用。它們可以實現諸如:


對於一部分問題,無需執行程式碼即可解決。 例如,僅透過檢視一段程式碼,我們就可以意識到迴圈變數正在覆蓋一個已經存在的變數。或程式在宣告變數前先讀取變數。 這些就是 靜態分析 工具大放異彩的地方。 靜態分析程式將原始碼作為輸入,透過檢視編碼規則來判斷程式碼是否正確。

在以下 Python 程式碼中存在一些錯誤。我們的迴圈變數 foo 覆蓋了函式 foo 的宣告,我們還在最後一列中寫入了 baz, 而非 bar,因此程式將在完成 sleep 後崩潰(需要大概一分鐘)。

import time

def foo():
    return 42

for foo in range(5):
bar = 1
bar *= 0.2

靜態分析工具可以認出這些問題。 當我們執行 pyflakes 時候,它會提示與此兩個 bug 相關的錯誤。 mypy 是一個可以檢測型別的工具。在這裡,mypy 會提示 bar 之前是一個 int,之後被強制轉換成了 float。 注意我們無需執行程式碼就可以檢測這類問題。

在 shell 講座中,我們介紹了 shellcheck,這是檢測 shell 指令碼的工具。

$ pyflakes foobar.py
foobar.py:6: redefinition of unused 'foo' from line 3
foobar.py:11: undefined name 'baz'

$ mypy foobar.py
foobar.py:6: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "int", variable has type "Callable[[], Any]")
foobar.py:9: error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "float", variable has type "int")
foobar.py:11: error: Name 'baz' is not defined
Found 3 errors in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

多數編輯器和 IDE 通常都支援這類程式直接將輸出顯示在程式碼編輯頁面上,來凸顯警告和錯誤提醒。 我們將其叫做 code linting,它也常常被用來顯示其他種類的問題,例如風格違規或不安全的建構。

在 Vim 中,可以使用外掛 ale 或者 syntastic。 對於 Python, 使用pylintpep8 檢查編碼風格,使用 bandit 檢查常見安全問題。 人們同樣為其他語言編譯了許多有用的靜態分析工具,例如 Awesome Static Analysis (如果想瞭解更多,檢視 Writing 部分),而 Awesome Linters 提供了 linting 功能.

我們也可以使用程式碼格式化工具作為補充功能。例如 Python 中的 black,Go 中的 gofmt,適用於 Rust 的 rustfmt,以及可用於 JS/HTML/CSS 的 prettier。 這些工具可以自動格式化程式碼,讓它們與這些程式語言的常見樣式保持一致。 儘管我們有時候不願意更改程式碼樣式,但是標準化的格式有助於他人閱讀我們的程式,也讓我們更容易閱讀其他人寫出的(標準化)程式。


雖然你的程式可以正常執行,如果它佔據了過多的 CPU 或 記憶體資源,那它仍然不夠好。演算法課程通常講授大 O 表示法,但往往不會教你如何在程式中找到哪部分在耗費資源。 過早最佳化是萬惡的根源, 我們應該瞭解探查器和檢視工具,來檢測是哪些部分佔用了大部分時間和/或資源,讓我們可以專注優化這些部分。


與我們做除錯的情況類似,許多時候僅印出兩點之間的程式嗎使用了多少時長就夠了。 這是 Python 中的 time 模組的示例。

import time, random
n = random.randint(1, 10) * 100

# Get current time
start = time.time()

# Do some work
print("Sleeping for {} ms".format(n))

# Compute time between start and now
print(time.time() - start)

# Output
# Sleeping for 500 ms
# 0.5713930130004883

However, wall clock time can be misleading since your computer might be running other processes at the same time or waiting for events to happen. It is common for tools to make a distinction between Real, User and Sys time. In general, User + Sys tells you how much time your process actually spent in the CPU (more detailed explanation here).

For example, try running a command that performs an HTTP request and prefixing it with time. Under a slow connection you might get an output like the one below. Here it took over 2 seconds for the request to complete but the process only took 15ms of CPU user time and 12ms of kernel CPU time.

$ time curl https://missing.csail.mit.edu &> /dev/null`
real    0m2.561s
user    0m0.015s
sys     0m0.012s



Most of the time when people refer to profilers they actually mean CPU profilers, which are the most common. There are two main types of CPU profilers: tracing and sampling profilers. Tracing profilers keep a record of every function call your program makes whereas sampling profilers probe your program periodically (commonly every millisecond) and record the program’s stack. They use these records to present aggregate statistics of what your program spent the most time doing. Here is a good intro article if you want more detail on this topic.

Most programming languages have some sort of command line profiler that you can use to analyze your code. They often integrate with full fledged IDEs but for this lecture we are going to focus on the command line tools themselves.

In Python we can use the cProfile module to profile time per function call. Here is a simple example that implements a rudimentary grep in Python:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys, re

def grep(pattern, file):
    with open(file, 'r') as f:
        for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
            pattern = re.compile(pattern)
            match = pattern.search(line)
            if match is not None:
                print("{}: {}".format(i, line), end="")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    times = int(sys.argv[1])
    pattern = sys.argv[2]
    for i in range(times):
        for file in sys.argv[3:]:
            grep(pattern, file)

We can profile this code using the following command. Analyzing the output we can see that IO is taking most of the time and that compiling the regex takes a fair amount of time as well. Since the regex only needs to be compiled once, we can factor it out of the for.

$ python -m cProfile -s tottime grep.py 1000 '^(import|\s*def)[^,]*$' *.py

[omitted program output]

 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
     8000    0.266    0.000    0.292    0.000 {built-in method io.open}
     8000    0.153    0.000    0.894    0.000 grep.py:5(grep)
    17000    0.101    0.000    0.101    0.000 {built-in method builtins.print}
     8000    0.100    0.000    0.129    0.000 {method 'readlines' of '_io._IOBase' objects}
    93000    0.097    0.000    0.111    0.000 re.py:286(_compile)
    93000    0.069    0.000    0.069    0.000 {method 'search' of '_sre.SRE_Pattern' objects}
    93000    0.030    0.000    0.141    0.000 re.py:231(compile)
    17000    0.019    0.000    0.029    0.000 codecs.py:318(decode)
        1    0.017    0.017    0.911    0.911 grep.py:3(<module>)

[omitted lines]

A caveat of Python’s cProfile profiler (and many profilers for that matter) is that they display time per function call. That can become unintuitive really fast, specially if you are using third party libraries in your code since internal function calls are also accounted for. A more intuitive way of displaying profiling information is to include the time taken per line of code, which is what line profilers do.

For instance, the following piece of Python code performs a request to the class website and parses the response to get all URLs in the page:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# This is a decorator that tells line_profiler
# that we want to analyze this function
def get_urls():
    response = requests.get('https://missing.csail.mit.edu')
    s = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml')
    urls = []
    for url in s.find_all('a'):

if __name__ == '__main__':

If we used Python’s cProfile profiler we’d get over 2500 lines of output, and even with sorting it’d be hard to understand where the time is being spent. A quick run with line_profiler shows the time taken per line:

$ kernprof -l -v a.py
Wrote profile results to urls.py.lprof
Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 0.636188 s
File: a.py
Function: get_urls at line 5

Line #  Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
 5                                           @profile
 6                                           def get_urls():
 7         1     613909.0 613909.0     96.5      response = requests.get('https://missing.csail.mit.edu')
 8         1      21559.0  21559.0      3.4      s = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml')
 9         1          2.0      2.0      0.0      urls = []
10        25        685.0     27.4      0.1      for url in s.find_all('a'):
11        24         33.0      1.4      0.0          urls.append(url['href'])


In languages like C or C++ memory leaks can cause your program to never release memory that it doesn’t need anymore. To help in the process of memory debugging you can use tools like Valgrind that will help you identify memory leaks.

In garbage collected languages like Python it is still useful to use a memory profiler because as long as you have pointers to objects in memory they won’t be garbage collected. Here’s an example program and its associated output when running it with memory-profiler (note the decorator like in line-profiler).

def my_func():
    a = [1] * (10 ** 6)
    b = [2] * (2 * 10 ** 7)
    del b
    return a

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ python -m memory_profiler example.py
Line #    Mem usage  Increment   Line Contents
     3                           @profile
     4      5.97 MB    0.00 MB   def my_func():
     5     13.61 MB    7.64 MB       a = [1] * (10 ** 6)
     6    166.20 MB  152.59 MB       b = [2] * (2 * 10 ** 7)
     7     13.61 MB -152.59 MB       del b
     8     13.61 MB    0.00 MB       return a

Event Profiling

As it was the case for strace for debugging, you might want to ignore the specifics of the code that you are running and treat it like a black box when profiling. The perf command abstracts CPU differences away and does not report time or memory, but instead it reports system events related to your programs. For example, perf can easily report poor cache locality, high amounts of page faults or livelocks. Here is an overview of the command:


Profiler output for real world programs will contain large amounts of information because of the inherent complexity of software projects. Humans are visual creatures and are quite terrible at reading large amounts of numbers and making sense of them. Thus there are many tools for displaying profiler’s output in an easier to parse way.

One common way to display CPU profiling information for sampling profilers is to use a Flame Graph, which will display a hierarchy of function calls across the Y axis and time taken proportional to the X axis. They are also interactive, letting you zoom into specific parts of the program and get their stack traces (try clicking in the image below).


Call graphs or control flow graphs display the relationships between subroutines within a program by including functions as nodes and functions calls between them as directed edges. When coupled with profiling information such as the number of calls and time taken, call graphs can be quite useful for interpreting the flow of a program. In Python you can use the pycallgraph library to generate them.

Call Graph

Resource Monitoring

Sometimes, the first step towards analyzing the performance of your program is to understand what its actual resource consumption is. Programs often run slowly when they are resource constrained, e.g. without enough memory or on a slow network connection. There are a myriad of command line tools for probing and displaying different system resources like CPU usage, memory usage, network, disk usage and so on.

If you want to test these tools you can also artificially impose loads on the machine using the stress command.

Specialized tools

Sometimes, black box benchmarking is all you need to determine what software to use. Tools like hyperfine let you quickly benchmark command line programs. For instance, in the shell tools and scripting lecture we recommended fd over find. We can use hyperfine to compare them in tasks we run often. E.g. in the example below fd was 20x faster than find in my machine.

$ hyperfine --warmup 3 'fd -e jpg' 'find . -iname "*.jpg"'
Benchmark #1: fd -e jpg
  Time (mean ± σ):      51.4 ms ±   2.9 ms    [User: 121.0 ms, System: 160.5 ms]
  Range (min … max):    44.2 ms …  60.1 ms    56 runs

Benchmark #2: find . -iname "*.jpg"
  Time (mean ± σ):      1.126 s ±  0.101 s    [User: 141.1 ms, System: 956.1 ms]
  Range (min … max):    0.975 s …  1.287 s    10 runs

  'fd -e jpg' ran
   21.89 ± 2.33 times faster than 'find . -iname "*.jpg"'

As it was the case for debugging, browsers also come with a fantastic set of tools for profiling webpage loading, letting you figure out where time is being spent (loading, rendering, scripting, &c). More info for Firefox and Chrome.



  1. Use journalctl on Linux or log show on macOS to get the super user accesses and commands in the last day. If there aren’t any you can execute some harmless commands such as sudo ls and check again.

  2. Do this hands on pdb tutorial to familiarize yourself with the commands. For a more in depth tutorial read this.

  3. Install shellcheck and try checking the following script. What is wrong with the code? Fix it. Install a linter plugin in your editor so you can get your warnings automatically.

    ## Example: a typical script with several problems
    for f in $(ls *.m3u)
      grep -qi hq.*mp3 $f \
        && echo -e 'Playlist $f contains a HQ file in mp3 format'
  4. (Advanced) Read about reversible debugging and get a simple example working using rr or RevPDB.


  5. Here are some sorting algorithm implementations. Use cProfile and line_profiler to compare the runtime of insertion sort and quicksort. What is the bottleneck of each algorithm? Use then memory_profiler to check the memory consumption, why is insertion sort better? Check now the inplace version of quicksort. Challenge: Use perf to look at the cycle counts and cache hits and misses of each algorithm.

  6. Here’s some (arguably convoluted) Python code for computing Fibonacci numbers using a function for each number.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    def fib0(): return 0
    def fib1(): return 1
    s = """def fib{}(): return fib{}() + fib{}()"""
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        for n in range(2, 10):
            exec(s.format(n, n-1, n-2))
        # from functools import lru_cache
        # for n in range(10):
        #     exec("fib{} = lru_cache(1)(fib{})".format(n, n))

    Put the code into a file and make it executable. Install pycallgraph. Run the code as is with pycallgraph graphviz -- ./fib.py and check the pycallgraph.png file. How many times is fib0 called?. We can do better than that by memoizing the functions. Uncomment the commented lines and regenerate the images. How many times are we calling each fibN function now?

  7. A common issue is that a port you want to listen on is already taken by another process. Let’s learn how to discover that process pid. First execute python -m http.server 4444 to start a minimal web server listening on port 4444. On a separate terminal run lsof | grep LISTEN to print all listening processes and ports. Find that process pid and terminate it by running kill <PID>.

  8. Limiting processes resources can be another handy tool in your toolbox. Try running stress -c 3 and visualize the CPU consumption with htop. Now, execute taskset --cpu-list 0,2 stress -c 3 and visualize it. Is stress taking three CPUs? Why not? Read man taskset. Challenge: achieve the same using cgroups. Try limiting the memory consumption of stress -m.

  9. (Advanced) The command curl ipinfo.io performs a HTTP request an fetches information about your public IP. Open Wireshark and try to sniff the request and reply packets that curl sent and received. (Hint: Use the http filter to just watch HTTP packets).

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